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Judy Kucko
Judy Kucko
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Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas has come and gone. I think I almost missed it. I spent the night at my son's house as did Stacia and GG. It was lots of fun--family dinner, Christmas Church Service, getting ready for Santa. Watching the kids open their presents in the morning was great too. Then I come home, and I'm all alone. It's been raining for days. It's dark in the house. Nothing on TV. It feels like death around here. My son and the family are off on their boat sailing to Bimini. I have too much time to think. I have come to a decision. I will give myself 5 years. Then I will move to Belize. I've been doing some research on the subject. You can live pretty cheaply there. It's a beautiful place--nice and warm. I will need to go down there and travel around to see what area I like. But I think I'll like it alot. I'm pretty excited about this. I wish there was someone to share it with, but you never know. Maybe that could still be in the cards. It'd have to be someone as crazy as me.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I thought I had better check in with you guys. I'm on the mend-SLOWLY but surely. I've been going to physical therapy where they're trying to get my foot to bend. I still have another month of no weightbearing. In the meantime, I've been watching lots of movies, reading, studying Korean and generally messing around on my laptop. My dogs don't get it. Mom's around alot more, but she's not doing much ball playing. I'm missing all the Christmas crowds. Maybe in some ways this economy will get us back to basics, and we can remember what Christmas is all about. With that I will close:
Be kind to others, honor your family, and pay it forward to those in need.
Be kind to others, honor your family, and pay it forward to those in need.
Monday, December 15, 2008
I was checking out my church blog this morning (www.buckheadchurch.org) and saw all the wonderful things our church community have been doing this Christmas season and was overwhelmed with pride and joy! I have not been able to participate in any of these things due to my broken ankle, and I realized how much I've missed this holiday season. It's ironic that I have been searching for different ways to participate in glorifying God's name in ways that help those in need, and I find myself the needy one. So many things are put on hold in my life, and I have no idea where God is leading me. I guess I was taking too much control. So I have been forced to back off and watch. I want to say that I am so proud and honored to be a member of Buckhead Church and their continuous outreach to serve the Lord and help those in need in Atlanta and around the world.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
OH BOY!! What a week this has been. Your life can certainly change in a second. Dec. 2 I went to collect my mail after getting home from work, and I slipped and fell with my foot twisted underneath my body. I blew out my ankles, compound fracture, smashed foot! I had to crawl back to the house, into to the kitchen and called 911 from my cell from the kitchen floor. I had surgery the next morning and am now recouporating at home. I won't get a cast for about 3 weeks (after wounds heal and sutures are removed) Then 6 weeks in a cast and physical therapy. Well, guess what this does to my plans to leave after Christmas. LIMBO! I got a call from the Director of the Kunsan Christian School in Korea to see if all was set to leave . As it works out, he can get another teacher in for January 5th, and there is another opening in May. So we'll see how this goes. I'm not sure what I'll do for a job for the next few months though.
I am again reminded that I am NOT the one in control. I guess God has an objection for me leaving at this time. I'll just have to wait and see what unfolds.
I am again reminded that I am NOT the one in control. I guess God has an objection for me leaving at this time. I'll just have to wait and see what unfolds.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wow, I love Thanksgiving! The best meal of the year! Usually I go to my son's house with all the family. This year they decided to take a family vacation cruising the Caribbean. Lucky Dogs! So I went to Carnie's house with my daughter Stacia and Carnie's sisters and neighbors. It was really great. The food was terrrific! I really enjoyed the company. A great relaxing day.
I have so many blessings to be thankful for. Before this move to Korea, I've had a chance to explore my heritage and reconnect with family and friends. It is a wonderful feeling to know who you are. I have alot more to learn, however, about people around the world. I have a start, but I feel there is so much out there. I want to understand it all. (Of course, that's not possible) There is so much hatred, and I don't understand that. Why can't we look at one another from the inside out? I will miss Buckhead Church so much. Through my experiences there, I have learned of God's love of all people. I hope to spread that wisdom in some small way. I will continue to pray for His guidance.
I have so many blessings to be thankful for. Before this move to Korea, I've had a chance to explore my heritage and reconnect with family and friends. It is a wonderful feeling to know who you are. I have alot more to learn, however, about people around the world. I have a start, but I feel there is so much out there. I want to understand it all. (Of course, that's not possible) There is so much hatred, and I don't understand that. Why can't we look at one another from the inside out? I will miss Buckhead Church so much. Through my experiences there, I have learned of God's love of all people. I hope to spread that wisdom in some small way. I will continue to pray for His guidance.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Overwhelmed Again
I have so much to do. I leave in a little over a month, and yet I don't know if I can get it all done. I have had no bites on my car. There are so many people hurting out there. One possibility I had to take my dogs has backed out. I pray Mike is still receptive. I'll have to fly them to Tucson and drive them out to Luna, NM. I have to believe that he is God's choice. I'm still waiting for my duplicate diploma to send off my final paperwork. I have so much to sort out at home--getting rid of my things, etc. Plus, I'm working full time for a few weeks. I need the money. I pray, after all this, my life will settle down for awhile.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
No Wireless!
Whew, I'm back in business. I suddenly lost all internet connection on both my computers a couple of days ago. I was like a caged animal. I wondered what I was missing in my email, and who had tried to contact me in facebook. I spent hours on the phone with tech support the last two days and eventually took it in to a computer repair shop. All to no avail. I was ready to pack up my new laptop and ship it back. Finally, I surrendered and had a house call. He had it up and running in 15 minutes. I guess the problem was in the reouter with help from me. I never said I was technically advanced. At any rate, how did I get so dependant on this machine? I'm finding that it has become more to me than a communication system. It has opened up a world of knowledge that I never new existed. One thing I really enjoy on my computer is Bible study. It is so interesting to discover all the angles when reading a passage. It will be an excellent way to keep up my study when I move to South Korea. I'll have to leave my BTCL course before I get to doctrine which I regret, but I'll still have a way to explore on the internet.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Big Election!
WOW! I stayed to the end (on tv), and it was incredible. As Obama spoke, I filled up with such pride and patriotism. I haven't felt such patriotism since President Kennedy, I'm sorry to say. Finally, someone who seems to care about all Americans instead of the previledged few. (ratio speaking) He has a long and difficult road ahead; but if he can keep up this momentum of pride to be American, "YES, WE CAN"! I prayed to God last night to keep him safe and to guide him on this difficult journey. I will be watching from afar, but I will be watching. My son said to me, "Your man won, but now you're moving away." That's ok though. I'm leaving America in good hands; and when I return, I'll really have something to come home to.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Going to Iksan
Well, it's official--I'm going to Iksan--that's South Korea! I'm so excited about it! I'll be teaching at a Christian International School for one year++. That's to say I have a renewable contract. I've started looking at the language already. They have 14 consenants and 10 vowels. Of course, they write in signs from left to right. A challenge for sure, but I'm going to give it a try.
I have alot to do before I leave (after Christmas). In the meantime, I'm working parttime at Macy's for the Christmas season. It's a fun job that doesn't pay anything.
I've noticed one thing about my blog--I need to get a better picture of myself. I do clean up pretty well.
Now that it's official, I'm faced with all I will leave behind. I try not to dwell on it because I know I am following Jesus and will be rewarded in another place. But even if I am a nomad at heart, there are great attachments in my life--not material things--emotional things and attachments. I pray they will understand, and know I am serving the Lord in the best way I can. He said I would have to make sacrifices to serve him, and I am beginning to understand. I pray and hope for your prayers.
I have alot to do before I leave (after Christmas). In the meantime, I'm working parttime at Macy's for the Christmas season. It's a fun job that doesn't pay anything.
I've noticed one thing about my blog--I need to get a better picture of myself. I do clean up pretty well.
Now that it's official, I'm faced with all I will leave behind. I try not to dwell on it because I know I am following Jesus and will be rewarded in another place. But even if I am a nomad at heart, there are great attachments in my life--not material things--emotional things and attachments. I pray they will understand, and know I am serving the Lord in the best way I can. He said I would have to make sacrifices to serve him, and I am beginning to understand. I pray and hope for your prayers.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Out of Africa
In case you wondered about the pictures of Africa--I was in Kenya this summer. I went on a mission trip where we dug trenches and laid pipe to bring water into the village of Ngaamba. It was a small remote village about 3 hours south of Nirobi. The people were very poor. They lived off the land, mostly corn. There had been very little rain so the crops were poor. Most had goats and chickens; some had cows. There were not many fences so someone had to stay with the herds and drive them to feed and water. The people had to walk miles to fill jugs of water to drink and cook. Many wore no shoes. There were no cars or trucks. One man in the village had a tractor. Everybody wanted to ride on it and many did. The children go to school if their family could pay the tuition. It's not much in our world, but expensive in theirs. Many children could not attend.
In Javilla we worked in an orphanage. Actually, it was a young married couple (Joseph and his wife) who have taken in 44 homeless children and were raising them like their own (they have two). We washed their clothes by hand, prepared their lunch, and ground up feed for the cows. They entertained us with their songs. They were all so well behaved. They all have chores (the ones we did for them that day), and they all go to school. Joseph's wish for them is to have them all go to college. They were so beautiful, and it was an amazing trip. God is doing many good things for that family.
In Javilla we worked in an orphanage. Actually, it was a young married couple (Joseph and his wife) who have taken in 44 homeless children and were raising them like their own (they have two). We washed their clothes by hand, prepared their lunch, and ground up feed for the cows. They entertained us with their songs. They were all so well behaved. They all have chores (the ones we did for them that day), and they all go to school. Joseph's wish for them is to have them all go to college. They were so beautiful, and it was an amazing trip. God is doing many good things for that family.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Visiting Texas
This is my last day in Waco, Texas where I thought I would never come back to. I have had a great time though. I'm visiting my sister who just moved back here a few months ago. My mother is also here from Tucson. We went to church today at Perry Methodist Church out in the country. I went there when I was little. So many people remembered my mother or my brother. We talked to so many. A small church (actually tiny) like this is so different from the one I go to. There may have been 20 people there. Ours has 3 or 4 thousand in a service. Of course, we sang the old hymns. The pastor was very friendly and introduced us in church. He asked my mother her impressions. She said she was very impressed with the upkeep of the church. (It's 138 years old). She told the church attendees, "We visited the cemetery to check out our relatives". I couldn't resist--I said, "they're still there". That entertained the conservative crowd! It was very nice. We visited all our old homes--some were there and some were gone. Visiting Marlin always makes me sad. The town is extremely depressed and poor. The downtown is practically deserted. Most houses need paint--many are falling down. It's of a time gone by.
We visited Fredericksburg a couple of days ago. Now, that is an old town; but it's still thriving-- mainly from tourists. There are many antique shops and boutiques. The houses are all so quaint and well kept up. Cute houses! We visited my great-great-great-grandfather's log cabin which was constructed in 1846. It had two rooms and a loft. It was eventually bought by the Episcopalian Church. The cabin was kept and is now the chapel. St. Barnabas Episcopalian Church is where Lady Bird Johnson went to church. Our family cabin has an historical marker.
We visited Fredericksburg a couple of days ago. Now, that is an old town; but it's still thriving-- mainly from tourists. There are many antique shops and boutiques. The houses are all so quaint and well kept up. Cute houses! We visited my great-great-great-grandfather's log cabin which was constructed in 1846. It had two rooms and a loft. It was eventually bought by the Episcopalian Church. The cabin was kept and is now the chapel. St. Barnabas Episcopalian Church is where Lady Bird Johnson went to church. Our family cabin has an historical marker.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Decisions! Decisions!
Why do we have so many decisions to make? I hate decisions-I think. I'm not sure why. Maybe because so many of them are wrong. I'm of the age to be settled down, but I can't. There's always more to do and see. I thought if I moved closer to my kids, I'd have that closeness back that I've missed so much through the years. I hated my parents for divorcing because that family feeling of closeness was ruined forever. From that point on, nothing was familiar. It left me with this sense of wandering on-- in search. OF WHAT? I finally have found Jesus, and I think I should follow Him. In doing so, I may be giving up the two most constant things in my life--Horace and Cindy (and Oreo)--can I give them up when they have loved me unconditionally? Don't I want unconditional love? That family feeling of closeness?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Free Classifieds
Hey People,
I found this great website for classified ads. Check it out! http://www.ablewise.com/?ref=judeclaverie You can post free ads around the world or look for items. Also interesting:
Airline Secrets-fired airline agent reveals secrets--fly for less-learn the loopholes.
Talk to Me!
I found this great website for classified ads. Check it out! http://www.ablewise.com/?ref=judeclaverie You can post free ads around the world or look for items. Also interesting:
Airline Secrets-fired airline agent reveals secrets--fly for less-learn the loopholes.
Talk to Me!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Gas Shortage in Atlanta
YES, there is a gas shortage. However, I lucked out today. I pulled into Quick Trip right after a gas tanker. Great timing! So I was the second person in line at the pump. Immediately the lines started. I hear they were all the way back to Hwy 75 by the time I left. For those of you who do not live in Atlanta, this started a week ago. Gas is very hard to find. When you find a station with gas, there are long lines with an hour or two wait. Tempers are rising; people are missing work. I almost missed church last week because I didn't have much gas and couldn't find any. I had to call a friend to take me. I don't understand really why this is happening only to us. I guess it was lucky I didn't have a job to go to this week.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
September 27, 2008
Hey Guys!
Here I am in Limbo having a Great Time spreading my wings and trying new things! My first blog--what can I say? I've worked all day in my backyard and on the internet intermittenly. I'm trying to figure out this online business situation. I'm in Limbo you know. Gotta be a better way! Freedom is the word. No bosses--except My Lord and Savior. The weather is gorgious--my favorite time of the year. I am truly blessed!
Hey Guys!
Here I am in Limbo having a Great Time spreading my wings and trying new things! My first blog--what can I say? I've worked all day in my backyard and on the internet intermittenly. I'm trying to figure out this online business situation. I'm in Limbo you know. Gotta be a better way! Freedom is the word. No bosses--except My Lord and Savior. The weather is gorgious--my favorite time of the year. I am truly blessed!
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