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Judy Kucko

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Gas Shortage in Atlanta

YES, there is a gas shortage. However, I lucked out today. I pulled into Quick Trip right after a gas tanker. Great timing! So I was the second person in line at the pump. Immediately the lines started. I hear they were all the way back to Hwy 75 by the time I left. For those of you who do not live in Atlanta, this started a week ago. Gas is very hard to find. When you find a station with gas, there are long lines with an hour or two wait. Tempers are rising; people are missing work. I almost missed church last week because I didn't have much gas and couldn't find any. I had to call a friend to take me. I don't understand really why this is happening only to us. I guess it was lucky I didn't have a job to go to this week.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


September 27, 2008
Hey Guys!
Here I am in Limbo having a Great Time spreading my wings and trying new things! My first blog--what can I say? I've worked all day in my backyard and on the internet intermittenly. I'm trying to figure out this online business situation. I'm in Limbo you know. Gotta be a better way! Freedom is the word. No bosses--except My Lord and Savior. The weather is gorgious--my favorite time of the year. I am truly blessed!