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Judy Kucko

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Trip to Arizona

Oh, I know, alot of time has passed since my last post. What a roller coaster I've been on! Not surprised? Me either. Seems par for the coarse in my life. This week I had a 3 day estate sale, a farewell party, rented my house, sold my car, borrowed a car, cancelled my utilities, OH, and had my debit card number stolen. And I booked my ticket to South Korea! Yep, I'm really leaving on March 23rd. My grandaughter, Sam, is being baptised on the 22nd, and I have to be there for that. Saturday the 14th we move the last of my things out of the house.
BUT--two weeks ago I was in Arizona. I flew out to see and say goodbye for now to family and friends there. I stayed with Laura, my good friend and ventured out from there. She and I went up to the White Mountains to see another good friend, Mike McMillan. He lives in Luna, NM which is a tiny village of 190 people. He's pretty much a hermit up there. He lives in a small cabin (3 rooms) in a forest on a ranch. It was really great-so quiet and peaceful. He has a big beautiful white dog, Velvet, that was amazing. He had his own cot in the living room. Mike also has a cat named Callie Kitty who was pretty big herself. And two horses-also pretty big. Needless to say, we ate very well there. I used to live in this area, so we did alot of visiting local sites. We found some wonderful pottery shards down on the Blue. Since it was winter, there weren't many people roaming around, but I did see some old acquintances in the Bear Wallow Cafe. The weather was beautiful and the air so fresh--pine scent in the air. Great!
Back in Tucson, Jolene and I did alot of running around. Josh took her and I to lunch one day. We had dinner for 10 people at my sister's place. The whole Kucko family was there, and I had to cook. It was so much fun. Jody and I went fishing at Parker Canyon Lake down south one day. It was really the first time I've actually fished from a boat. It was so relaxing. We caught 15 rainbow trout. We could only keep 6 so we did some catch and release (which I'm not sure I understand). Fish dinner that night.
I really had a great time , and it was hard to leave. Thanks Laura for being so hospitable!

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Thanks for sharing your time in AZ and NM. Nice to see a picture of Mike. You have certainly been a busy woman the past few weeks!! Try to find some time to rest a bit!

Love you!